
Welcome to our blog!

My name is Amy, the human behind @sillytillypoodle

🐾 Tilly, our 4 year old Miniature Poodle, is our first dog, and is probably the best thing we ever did! I started an Instagram for my little fluff ball back in 2014, to avoid spamming family and friends with constant puppy photos.

Here we are over three years later, it has become a hobby, helped me improve my photography, and best of all, allowed us to meet many wonderful friends.

πŸ“Β We joined the ‘blog-a-sphere’ in 2017, and have not looked back! On our blog you’ll find dog friendly discoveries, photography, recommendations & reviews, tips & advice, with the odd vegan find thrown in for the human!

If you’d like to work with myself or the real star…Tilly, then please do get in touch!


Amy & Tilly

2 thoughts on “About

  1. Elizabeth Chandler says:

    Thank you for sharing Tilly! I have been a lover of miniature poodles since my great aunt had one. I have 2 poodles, Paddington who is 8 and Tallulah Bea who is 7. They are smart and have a great sense of humor and you definitely capture that in all your photos!!
    Once again, many thanks!


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